Darkest dungeon gameplay backstab
Darkest dungeon gameplay backstab

darkest dungeon gameplay backstab

Roger the Fence, if attacked, in the Sewers (Temple District).Cless Ironeye, Shadowdancer member of the Vagrant Blades.Brennan Risling, part of a group of adventurers on the second floor of the Den of the Seven Vales - if made hostile.Some examples of enemies (ie it's not an exhaustive list) who might try to backstab the party merely in Shadows of Amn portion of BG2EE are: Thus, attaining a hidden state is typically achieved by the AI through invisibility items or consumable potions.

darkest dungeon gameplay backstab

Most Hide in Shadow and Move Silently skills assigned to thieves are quite marginal.

darkest dungeon gameplay backstab

Some rogues have the HIDE.BCS script that simply checks if the creature is invisible or not, and if not, it tries to Hide, using the available Stealth percentage. While your average Mugger (a lot of whom use ranged weapons, that can't backstab) probably won't try to hide-in-shadows or go invisible, actual Shadow Thieves, assassins and other kinds of more skilled enemies are scripted to either try to hide (if no enemy is nearby) or, more commonly, drink Potions of Invisibility or use the MAGE01.ITM's invisibility at the start of combat. This means that enemies do not require positioning like players do to perform backstabs. Since the first attack usually breaks concealment, the character's APR is not relevant.ġ1 December 2012 Will the Party get Backstabbed? Īny enemy with a backstab multiplier (eg a character with Thief levels) who attacks the party from either invisibility or hiding will attempt to backstab the party (one can easily test this by simply casting invisibility on any enemy with actual Thief levels). If that weapon isn't suitable for backstabs, the attack may still succeed but it will only result in normal damage. If the attacker is dual-wielding, the backstab attempt will be made with the weapon in the main hand. If the attack roll is successful, the target will suffer a multiple of the weapon's normal damage. Regardless of whether the attempt is successful or not, the attacker will immediately become visible. Wielding an appropriate weapon: see the Backstab Eligible Weapons section for a discussion on the eligible weapons.Īny attack made while these conditions are met will be treated as a backstab attempt.With Tales of the Sword Coast, backstabbing was adjusted to require the attacker to be within a 90 degree arc behind the target, which carried over to Shadows of Amn and the Enhanced Editions. Behind the target: in the original Baldur's Gate, a backstab could be initiated from any angle.An important benefit of invisibility is that it imposes no armor restrictions. Concealed: while typically achieved by use of the Hide in Shadows ability, it can also be achieved through the use of spells, a Potion of Invisibility, or magic items (see the Invisibility section for a complete list).Listed in the game's BACKSTAB 2DA file, these are differentiated as: Thief, Shadowdancer, Assassin, Bounty Hunter and Stalker.In order to attempt a backstab, the character must be:

Darkest dungeon gameplay backstab